I like the “spit it out” for the outline. That’s how I do my first drafts—spit all ideas into 60-80k words and worry about structuring later.

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Oh, and I used to mind map on paper. Now I prefer my ReMarkable 2 writing tablet. But if I didn’t have one, I’d be using paper. It’s just an intermediate step after all. And easier to expand in weird ways than software. Even if you have to tack on another sheet of paper.

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Well your article came at just the right time as I'm sitting down to attempt to do the same thing. Did you mindmap on a piece of paper and just write down all the words, or did you make a nice looking mind map on the computer?

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Personally I did the mind-mapping on paper and then the chapter structure on the computer, because I just found it more natural (and fun) that way. I know others in the group were using mind mapping software. Whatever works best for you. Good luck with it!

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Thanks! Paper is probably nice and easy, especially if you want to get it done in 30 minutes 😁

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I just love a blank sheet of paper and some colored markers. Others love their fancy software. There are probably some clues to how the finished book will look there, to be honest! 😁

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Great streamlining of the book idea!

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I learned this process from @Ed Dale, use it, and teach it to my students. It’s always fun to see the eureka moment when people realize it worked. Thanks for sharing yours with us.

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