Hi Karen. I’m at a critical point with a manuscript for a novel that I originally wrote 2/2021. Then shelved it for 3 years. (At 11,400 words) I’m now up to a bit over 23k and those changes began happening only this past March. As a writer, I’ve learned the hard way, reader first. And I was inspired by your article and mentioning consider the words we write and how they might be able to comfort another.

I’ve recently set my novel aside due to frustrations with a developmental editor and lack of forward movement. I basically paid 550- and I don’t feel I received value for it.

But reading your words has given me a spark of hope which I intend to marinate on within my subconscious. I’ve received many positive responses from those who’ve read some of it, including the editor I worked with. But the creativity needs to come from “me,” to make it work.

Thanks again for the valuable insight. 🙏🏼 And it didn’t cost me $550-. I will be trying to get into a better habit of reading here on Substack. I’ve had to tone down my reading list for a more narrow focus overall. But I’m glad to be a subscriber to your publication.

Best to you!

~k . . .

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So happy to have you here Kari, and to have helped you with some insight today. I feel for you as I've been in the same position (paying out for editing that I didn't feel was good value). Here's hoping the pause you're in right now is just what you need to re-think things and get back on track with your novel.

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Many thanks for the shout out x

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You're welcome, Eleanor.

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